Corporeal Reality
This series is inspired by the notion that individuals in and of themselves are not complete wholes. That the complimentary or opposing qualities, dispositions, Points of view, and sensitivities found in others are likely to form attractions. When people come together because of these affinities, separate lives and identities fuse and mutate. The resulting entity thinks and exists in ways that sometimes, but not always benefit the growth and experience of each being. These alliances are balanced and tempered through transition and turmoil. An infinite cycle arises as each person struggles to adjust and surrender conceptions of self to ensure survival of the pairing.
This series is inspired by the notion that individuals in and of themselves are not complete wholes. That the complimentary or opposing qualities, dispositions, Points of view, and sensitivities found in others are likely to form attractions. When people come together because of these affinities, separate lives and identities fuse and mutate. The resulting entity thinks and exists in ways that sometimes, but not always benefit the growth and experience of each being. These alliances are balanced and tempered through transition and turmoil. An infinite cycle arises as each person struggles to adjust and surrender conceptions of self to ensure survival of the pairing.